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This is a list of the J&T reference library
My main primary source is the Salisbury Cathedral Chapter Acts Books but below are the secondary sources from my own library.

1. Rood Screens - Richard Hayman

Shire Publications 2018

2. Church Fonts - Matthew Byrne

Shire Publications 2020

3. Medieval Church and Churchyard Monuments - Sally Badham

Shire Publications 2011

4. Medieval Masons - Malcolm Hislop

Shire Publications 2010

5. In a Monastery Garden - Elizabeth & Reginald Peplow

David & Charles 1988

6. The Abbeys and Priories of Medieval England - Colin Platt

Secker  & Warburg 1984

7. Salisbury, history around us - John Chandler

The Hobnob Press 2020

8. Salisbury Cathedral 800 Years of People & Place - Emily Naish & John Elliott

Sarum Chronicle 2020



10. The Medieval Papacy - Geoffrey Barraclough

Thames & Hudson 1968

11. The Bible as History - Werner Keller

Hodder & Stoughton 1960

12. The Greatest Knight (William Marshal) - Thomas Asbridge

Simon & Schuster 2015

13. Gospel Parallels - Editor Burton H Throckmorton Jr.

Thomas Nelson Inc. 1992

14. Masterpieces of Medieval Open Timber Roofs - Raphael and Arthur Brandon

Dover Publications 2005

15. Sumptuous and Richly Adorn'd - Sarah Brown

The Stationery Office 1999

16. Ancient and Historical Monuments in the City of Salisbury Vol.1

The Stationery Office 1980

17. The Illustrated Shepherds Life - W H Hudson (1910)

Bodley Head 1987

18. BC The Archaeology of the Bible Lands - Magnus Magnusson

Bodley Head 1977

19. The Times Concise Atlas of the Bible - Editor James B Pritchard

Harper Collins 1991

20. Historical Atlas of Britain - Malcolm Falkus and John Gillingham

Grisewood & Dempsey 1981

21. Harris's Guide to English Churches and Cathedrals - Brian L Harris

Ebury Publishing 2006

22. Who's Who in British History - Editor Juliet Gardiner

Collins & Brown 2000

23. The Paston Letters - Editor Norman Davis

Oxford University Press

24. A Dictionary of Chivalry - Grant Uden

Longmans 1968

25. Brewers Dictionary of Phrase & Fable - John Ayto

Weidenfeld & Nicolson (Cassell) 2005

26. Index-Digest of the Holy Scriptures - Orville J Nave

Henry Frowde 1897

27. A dictionary of English Place Names - A D Mills

Oxford University Press 1991

28. Barron's Dictionary of Legal Terms - Steven H Gifis

Barron 1983

29. England's Thousand Best Churches - Simon Jenkins

Penguin Books 2000

30. Concise Dictionary of the Christian Church - E A Livingstone

Oxford University Press 1996

31. Dictionary of English Place Names - A D Mills

Oxford University Press 1991

32. Dictionary of British History - J P Kenyon

Wordsworth Editions 1981

33. Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture 800 - 1914 - Jill Lever and John Morris

Faber & Faber 1993

34. The Church Explorers Handbook - Clive Fewins

Canterbury Press 2012

35. Halls Dictionary of Subjects & Symbols in Art - James Hall

John Murray 1993

36. Boutell's Heraldry - C W Scott-Giles

Frederick Warne 1950

37. On a Grander Scale (Sir Christopher Wren) - Lisa Jardine

Harper Collins 2002

38. King's Serjeants & Officers of State - Horace Round

Tabard Press 1970

39. The Buildings of Wiltshire - Pevsner and Cherry

Penguin Books 1975

40. Endless Street - John Chandler

Hobnob Press 1987

41. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (King Alfred the Great, 890AD) - James Ingram and J A Giles

Pantianos Classics

42. The Disappearing Dictionary - David Crystal

Macmillan 2015

43. The Bible and the Ancient Near East - Cyrus H Gordon and Gary A Rendsburg

W W Norton & Co. 1997

44. England Under the Norman and Angevin Kings 1075 - 1225 - Robert Bartlett

Oxford University Press 2002

45. King John - W L Warren

Eyre & Spottiswoode 1964 

46. The Abbeys & Priories of Medieval England - Colin Platt

Secker & Warburg 1984

47. In a Monastery Garden - E & R Peplow

David & Charles 1988

48. Robin Hood - David Baldwin

Amberley Publications 2011

49. King John - Marc Morris

Windmill Books 2015

50. 1215 - D Danziger & J Gillingham

Hodder & Stoughton 2003

51. The Time Travellers Guide to Medieval England - Ian Mortimer

Vintage 2009

52.A Little History of the English Country Church - Roy Strong

Vintage 2008

53. Thomas Cromwell - Tracy Borman

Hodder & Stoughton 2014

54. The Monks of War - Desmond Seward

Penguin 1995

55. Lionheart & Lackland - Frank McLynn

Vintage 2007

56. A History of the Bible - John Barton

Penguin 2015

57. Magna Carta - David Carpenter

Penguin 2015

58. Mid-Victorian Britain 1851-75 - Geoffrey Best

Fontana 1990

59. What is History - E M Carr

Penguin 1990

60. Jerusalem, The Biography - Simon Sebag Montefiore

Phoenix 2011

61. Dissolution of the Monasteries - G W O Woodward

Blandford Press 1966

62. Lives of the Saints - Fr. Alban Butler

Tan Books 1955

63. The Medieval Monastery - Roger Rosewall

Shire Publications 2012

64. The Medieval Papacy - Geoffrey Barraclough

Thames & Hudson 1968

65. Saints, Shrines and Pilgrims - Roger Rosewall

Shire Publications 2017

66. The Green Man - Richard Hayman

Shire Publications 2016

67. Medieval Masons - Malcolm Hislop

Shire 2010

68. Caring, A History of Salisbury Charities - Salisbury Local History Group

Salisbury Almshouse & Welfare Charities 2000

69. Medieval Church and Churchyard monuments - Sally Badham

Shire Publications 2011

70. Church Fonts - Matthew Byrne

Shire Publications 2020

71. Rood Screens - Richard Hayman

Shire Publications 2018

72. Life in the Middle Ages - Martyn Whittock

Constable & Robinson Ltd 2009

73. Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms - Gerard Russell

Simon & Schuster 2015

74. The Bible with Sources Revealed - Richard Elliott Friedman

Harper Collins 2005

75. Bible Manuscripts - Scott McKendrick and Kathleen Doyle

The British Library 2007

76. Wessex from AD1000 - J. H. Betty

Longman 1986

77. Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words - W.E.Vine, M.F.Unger, W White Jr.

Thomas Nelson 1984

78. The Knight Who Saved England - Richard Brooks

Osprey 2014

79. Bible Dictionary and Concordance - Intro: Charles F. Pfeiffer

Baker Book House 1996

80. The Gothic Cathedral - Christopher Wilson

Thames & Hudson 2008

81. The Templars - Michael Haag

Profile Books 2009

82. Salisbury, The Houses of the Close - Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England

HMSO 1993

83.The Cathedrals of England - H. Batsford & C. Fry

Batsford 2020

84.Eleanor of Aquitaine - Alison Weir

Pimlico 2000

85.Tales from the Long Twelfth Century - Richard Huscroft

Yale University Press 2016

86.The Gospel According to Judas - Jeffrey Archer and Prof. Francis J Moloney

Macmillan 2007

87. Collins Latin Dictionary & Grammar - Prof. D A Kidd & Mary Wade

Harper Collins 1997

88. Barron's Dictionary of Legal Terms - Steven H Gifis

Barron's 2016

89. A Dictionary of Medieval Terms & Phrases - Christopher Corèdon with Ann Williams

D.S.Brewer 2004

90. The Adventure of English - Melvyn Bragg

Hodder & Stoughton 2003

91. The Living World of the Old Testament - Bernhard W Anderson

Longmans 1963

92. The Medieval Garden - Sylvia Landsberg

British Museum Press 

93. Historical Atlas of the Medieval World - Andrew Jotischky & Caroline Hull

Penguin Books 

94. The Medieval World, Europe 1100 to 1350 - Friedrich Heer

Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1962

95. The Hansa Towns and the Hanseatic League - Helen Zimmern

First Rate Publishers (1889)

96. Blood Cries Afar, the Magna Carta War 1215 - 1217 - Sean McGlynn

Spellmount 2011

97. Magna Carta - J C Holt

Cambridge University Press 1992

98. Elias of Dereham - Adrian Hastings

RJL Smith & Assocs. 1997

99. John Betjeman's Guide to English Parish Churches - Betjeman and Nigel Kerr

Harper Collins 1993.

100. The White Ship - Charles Spencer

William Collins 2020.

101. Magna Carta, the foundation of freedom 1215 - 2015 - Nicholas Vincent

Third Millennium 2014.

102. The Cinque Ports - Edward Hinings

Spurbooks Ltd. 1975.

103. The Story and Language of Heraldry - Steven Slater

Anness Publishing 2012.

104. Cathedrals of the Church of England - Janet Gough

Scala Arts & Heritage Publishing 2015.

105. Crockford's Clerical Directory 104th edition 

Church House Publishing 2016.

106. Handbook of Dates for Students of English History - C R Cheney

Royal Historical Society 1991.

107. Magna Carta - Dan Jones 

Head of Zeus Ltd. 2014.

108. Magna Carta - David Starkey

Hodder & Stoughton 2015.

109. Magna Carta - Claire Breay 

Bodleian Library 2010.

110. Pocket Magna Carta

The British Library 2019.

111. Lincoln and the Magna Carta - Dr Erik Grigg

Ed's Music, Lincoln 2019.

112. The Magna Carta, cornerstone of the constitution - Roberta Baxter

Heinemann Library 2013.

113. Great Tales from English History - Robert Lacey

Little, Brown 2003.

114. The Song of Simon de Montfort - Sophie Thérèse Ambler

Picador 2019

115. From the Holy Mountain - William Dalymple

Flamingo 1997

116. The Illustrated History of the Countryside - Oliver Rackham

George Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1994

117. The World's Religions - Christopher Partridge

Lion Hudson plc 2005

118. Women in Salisbury Cathedral Close - Jane Howells, Ruth Newman

Sarum Chronicle 2018

119. Salisbury Cathedral - Thomas Cocke and Peter Kidson R.C.H.M.E

Stationery office1993

120. Devizes and Central Wiltshire - John Chandler

Hobnob Press 2003

121. Salisbury Cathedral - Tim Tatton-Brown

Scala Publishers 2009

122. Magna Carta - Rod Green

Andre Deutsch 2015

123. An Account of the Episcopal See, and Cathedral Church, of Sarum - William Dodsworth 1814

Legare Street Press 2021

124. Roget's Thesaurus of the Bible - A. Colin Day

Marshall Pickering 1997

125. The History of a City - Angela Turnbull

Salisbury Journal 2000

126. Portrait of Salisbury - Sue Walker

Halsgrove 2010

127. Salisbury Then & Now - Peter Daniels and Tim Garraway Jones

The History Press 2013

128. Salisbury in old Photographs - Peter Saunders

Alan Sutton Publishing 1987

129. Around Salisbury in old Photographs - Peter Daniels

Alan Sutton Publishing  1989

130. Time Travellers Guide to Elizabethan England - Ian Mortimer

Vintage 2013

131. Broad Chalke - Villagers (Millenium Project)

Baskerville Press 1999

132. The Bishop's Palace at Salisbury - Peter L Smith

Spire Books Ltd. 2013

133. Lady Margaret Pole - Collation of articles

Tudor Times Ltd. 2015

134. Sarum Use - Philip Baxter

Spire Books Ltd. 2008

135. Constable and Salisbury - Timothy Wilcox

Scala Arts & heritage Publishers 2011

136. Observations of Salisbury Cathedral (1753) - Francis Price

Salisbury & Stonehenge Edition Facsimiles 1997

137. Kilvert's Diary 1870 - 1879 - William Plomer

Century Hutchinson Ltd. (Book Club) 1986

138. Keepers of the Kingdom -  Alastair Bruce

Seven Dials, Cassell & Co. 2000

139. Four Victorian Ladies of Wiltshire -  Pamela Street

Robert Hale Ltd. 1986 

140. The illustrated Portrait of Wiltshire -  Edith Olivier

Semley Publishing 

141. Sarum Use-  Philip Baxter

Sarum Script 1994

142. Cranborne Chase -  Desmond Hawkins

The Dovecote Press Ltd. 1993

143. The Downs and then Upps -  Nellie Farris

Wincanton Press 1991 

144. Wiltshire Place-Names -  Martyn Whittock

Countryside Books 1997 

145. Treasures of the English Churches -  John Martin Robinson

Sinclair-Stevenson 1995 

146. Salisbury Cathedral -  Roy Spring

Unwin Hyman 1987

147. Sarum Close -  Dora H Robertson

Jonathan Cape 1969

148. A Thirteenth Century Portrait Gallery at Salisbury Cathedral -  Selby Whittingham 

Friends of Salisbury Cathedral 1979

149. Kingfisher Mill - Aylmer Tryon

Collins 1985

150. City of Salisbury -  Hugh Shortt

Phoenix House Ltd. 1957

151. Pembroke Papers (1780-1794) -  Lord Herbert

Jonathan Cape 1950

152. The Glories of Salisbury Cathedral -  Jeffrey Truby

Winchester Publications Ltd. 1948

153. The Chronolgy of British History -  Alan and Veronica Palmer

Century Ltd. 1992

154. A Wiltshire Home, A study of Little Durnford -  Dorothy Devenish

B T Batsford 1948

155. Salisbury, The History of an English Cathedral City -  David Burnett

The Compton Press 

156. Foot Loose in South Wiltshire -  Jane Holmes

Hobnob Press 2007

157. Clarendon, Landscape of Kings -  Tom Beaumont James and Christopher Gerrard

Windgather Press 2007

158. Laverstock and Ford, Chapters from Local History -  Sarum Chronicle

John Chandler 2019

159. Kabbalah Inspirations - Jeremy Rosen

Chartwell Books Inc. 2013

160. Heaven on Earth, the World's Greatest Cathedrals -  Emma J Wells

Head of Zeus Ltd. 2022

161. The Canterbury Tales -  Geoffrey Chaucer (Nevill Coghill)

Cresset Press 1992

162. The Compleat Angler - Izaak Walton

Arcturus Publishing 2010

163. English Cathedrals - Patrick Cormack

The Book Club Associates 1984

164. The Tribes of Britain - David Miles

Phoenix 2006

165. A Salisbury Century 1871 - 1971 - Richard Cusden

Salisbury College of Art 1971

166. Ancient Trackways of Wessex - H W Timperley & Edith Brill

Nonsuch Publishing Ltd. 2005

167. Roads and Trackways of Wessex - Geoffrey N Wright

Moorland Publishing 1988

168. Wiltshire Portraits - Kenneth G Ponting

Moonraker Press 1075

169. Crosstracks to Hindon, Richard Dewhurst

The Hobnob Press 2005

170. The Hatcher Review: No.9 Vol 2 No.12, Vol 4 34/35 Vol 5 41/44

Salisbury Printing

171. Around Wilton, Chris Rousell 

Tempus Publishing Ltd. 2001

172. A Kingston Lacy Childhood (Viola Bankes), Pamela Watkin 

The Dovecote Press Ltd, 1986

173. The Vale of Pewsey, John Chandler 

Ex Libris Press, 1991

174. A Guide to the Avon Valley, Sarah Moxey 

Halsgrove Publishing 1997

175. Crying in the Wilderness (Winterslow), Clive Cohen

Winterslow Church Council 1994/6

177. John Anstie of Devizes 1743 - 1830, Lorna Haycock

Alan Sutton Publishing 1991

178. Under Salisbury Spire, Arthur Maidment

Salisbury Journal 1993

179. Domesday Book, Alecto Historical Editions

Penguin Books 2002

180. A Cistercian Monk's Life, Gilian Elias

Nottingham County Council

181. The Cardinal's Hat, Mary Hollingsworth

Profile Books Ltd. 2004

182. Villages of Britain, Clive Aslet

Bloomsbury Publishing 2010

183. The Wiltshire Village Book, Michael Marshman

Countryside Books 1990

184. Curious Wiltshire, Mary Delorme

Ex Libris Press 1990

185. Realm Divided, Dan Jones

Head of Zeus 2015

186. The World of Gerard Mercator, Andrew Taylor

Harper Perennial 2005

187. The Medieval Church in Manuscripts, Justin Clegg

The British Library 2003

188. The English Yeoman, Mildred Campbell

The Merlin Press 1983

189. Mark of the Mason, Roy Spring

RJL Smith & Assocs. 1996

190. The Canons of Salisbury, Christopher Ross

The Dean and Chapter 2000

191. My Lord Pembroke's Manor of Netherhampton, Henry Shute

H.R.Shute 1986

192. An Acre of England, L J Manners

Gresham Books 1981 

193. Most Wise & Valiant Ladies, Andrea Hopkins

Collins & Brown 1997

194. The Popes, John Julius Norwich

Vintage 2012

195. Lookback at Andover

Andover History and Archaeology Society 1996

196. Did You Know, Wiltshire - Julia Skinner

Francis Frith Collection 2013

197. A History of Fordingbridge and Neighbourhood - Reginald Hannen

JG & DL Fredericks 1978

198. The English Abbey Explained - Trevor Yorke

Countryside Books 2004

199. Bloody British History, Salisbury - David Vaughan

The History Press 2014

200. Small Talk in Wiltshire - John Chandler

Ex Libris Press 1992

201. The Bowerchalke Parish Papers - Rex Sawyer

Alan Sutton 1989

202. Wilton - Chris Rousell

Alan Sutton Publishing 1993

203. Kingfisher Mill - Aylmer Tryon

William Collins & Sons 1985

204. The lion Handbook to the Bible - Pat & David Alexander

Lion Publishing 1999

205. The Sutton Companion to Local History - Stephen Friar

Alan Sutton Publishing 2004

206. Salisbury Cathedral A Scrapbook of Curiosities - Roy Whitehead

Reef Publishing

207. The Bowerchalke Parish Papers - Rex Sawyer

Alan Sutton Publishing 1989

208. Down Your Way - Alison Kidd

Salisbury Journal 1990

209. Wiltshire Folklife No.27 - Wiltshire Life Society

Salisbury Printing 1993 

210. Malmesbury Abbey - Rev A Beaghen

Taylor & Son

211. A History of Salisbury - E E Dorling

James Nisbet & C0 Ltd. 1911

212. Treasure of Salisbury - St. Edmund of Abingdon - Cecil Plaxton

The Abbey Press 1971

213. Wardour, a short history - Philip Caraman SJ

Plausible Publishing 1984

214. A Wiltshire Village in the 1870s - William Henry Swift

The Salisbury & Winchester Journal 1988 

215. Wiltshire: The Royal Archaeological Institute- Hinton, Hare & Tatton-Brown

Routledge 2017

216. The Book of Trades or Library of Useful Arts 1811 Vol.1 - Beryl Hurley

Wiltshire Family History Society 1993

217. The Handy Book of Parish Law 1859 W A Holdsworth

Wiltshire Family History Society 1995

218. The Buildings of Salisbury - R K Morriss & K Hoverd

Alan Sutton Publishing 1994

219. Medieval Houses of Wiltshire - Pamela Slocombe

Alan Sutton Publishing 1992

220. Salisbury Cathedral, The West Front - Ed. Tim Ayers

Phillimore & Co. 2000

221. Who's Who in History: Tudor England - C R N Routh

Basil Blackwell 1964

222. Winifred, a Wiltshire Working Girl - Sylvia Marlow

Ex Libris Press 1991

223. Salisbury, A Walk in the City - Sue Finniss and John Elliott

Spire Books 2010

224. The Black Death - John Hatcher

Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2008

225. Alvediston, a history - Biddy Trahair

The Hobnob Press 2011

226. The Heart of a Villagel, Aldbourne - Ida Gandy

Alan Sutton Publishing 1991

227. An Acre of England, Minety - L J Manners

Unwin Brothers 1977

228. Lacock Abbey

The National Trust

229. 20th Century Reminiscences 

Salisbury City Almshouse and Welfare Charities 1999

230. The Herbalist, Nicholas Culpepper - Benjamin Woolley

Harper Collins 2004

231. Samuel Pepys, The Unequalled Self - Claire Tomalin

Penguin Books 2002

232. Longleat - The Marchioness of Bath

The Longleat Estate Company 1949

233. The Royal Society - Adrian Tinniswood

Head of Zeus 2019

234. History of His Own Time - Bishop Gilbert Burnet (Thomas Stackhouse)

The National Trust

235. Medieval Women (450 - 1500) Henrietta Leyser

Phoenix 1996

236. Inside Pepys' London - Jonathan Bastable 

David & Charles 2011 

237. In a Wiltshire Village (South Marston +)Alfred Williams

Alan Sutton 1981

238. Prince Rupert. The Last Cavalier - Charles Spencer

Phoenix 2008

239 - 241. Sarum Chronicle Nos.3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 17, 24, 

Hobnob Press 2006

242. A Tisbury History  - Jill & Peter Drury

Tisbury Books 1980

243. The Parish Church of Wishford Magna - Marjorie Paskin


244. Five Connected Lives - Danny Howell 

Danny Howell 1990

245. Sarum Close - S M Holloway & J Proctor

Dean & Chapter, Salisbury Cathedral

246. Some Famous Folk of the Bourne Valley - Bourne Valley Historical, Record and Conservation Society

Sandra & David Ride 2000

247. Music at Midnight, The Life and Poetry of George Herbert - John Drury

Penguin Books 2014

248. Great Chalfield Manor 

The National Trust 1978?

249. In the Shadow of the Cathedral Spire - Bryan Foster

Flora International 1999

250. Hamptith - Louis Hatch 

Sue Browne 1987

251. Wiltshire Lives - Curry, Day, Hattersley, Rundle and Wilkinson

St Edmunds Arts Centre 1981

252. The Victorians - A N Wilson

Arrow Books 2003

253. A History of Malmesbury - Dr Bernulf Hodge


254. Parish of Teffont - A N Wilson


255. Triumph and Tragedy of Erasmus of Rotterdam - Stefan Zweig

Amazon, originally Viking Press 1934

256. Erasmus, Man of Letters - Lisa Jardine

Princeton University 1993

257. Wiltshire Churches - Derek Parker & John Chandler

Alan Sutton 1993

258. Churches of South-East Wiltshire - Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England

HMSO 1987

259. The Guildhall Salisbury 


260. Heraldry in Salisbury Cathedral - S M Holloway and J Proctor


261. Devizes in the Civil War - Pamela Colman and Bryan Coupe

Downwriter Publications 

262. The Story of Saint Osmund - W J Torrance

Friends of Salisbury Cathedral 1978

263. Sarum Chronicle - Issue 23


264. A Test of Time - David M Rohl

BCA 1995

265. The Wells Clock - R P Howgrave-Graham

Friends of Wells Cathedral 1978

266. Salisbury and its Neighbours - John Chandler

Salisbury Civic Society 1987

267. The Amesbury Millennium Lectures - Ed. John Chandler

The Amesbury Society 1979

268. Life in a Medieval City - Joseph and Frances Gies

The Folio Society 1969

270. Babylon - Paul Kriwaczek

Atlantic Books 2010

271. Rural Rides - William Cobbett

Penguin Books 1967

272. Wells Cathedral - Elsa Van der Zee

Close Publications 2012 

273. 900 years, The Restorations of Westminster Abbey - Thomas Cocke

Harvey Miller Publishers 1995



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